Sunday, January 4, 2009

What a Diffence a Year Makes

Many other people on many other blogs do this interesting thing where they take the first sentence from the first blog post of each month and post them to reflect on the previous year. And I was all, I can't do that, I totally bailed on the blog and then I realized that except for November, I actually can. So why not:

January: A most unconventional household and its adventures in the babyverse. (the intro post of this blog, which we began January 2, 2008.)

February: This is my first Photo Friday. (this one is pretty obvious. it's a picture of our two cats.)

March: So, it's been almost two weeks since the internets have heard from us. (this was an apology for being absent from the blog and recounting our recent adventures)

April: As heard last night on How I Met Your Mother (which is basically one of two sitcoms I actually like, the other being Scrubs, and HIMYM is better now than Scrubs is) last night: (this was a post about our wedding and our Quaker marriage certificate.)

May: Told Kate's grandparents. (also pretty self-evident. grandparents were happy, although not nearly as happy as when they met X this past week.)

June: I took these tests yesterday. (Em talks about masculinity and motherhood.)

July: It's official. Willa's a he. (X is a boy! This post includes a clip from Scrubs featuring "The Safety Dance".)

August: Incidentally, the title of this post should be said to the rhythm of "Hitler never played Risk as a kid" from this clip. (Em expounds on why Dana Scully is a bad mother.)

September: We got a bunch of baby clothes at X's second shower last weekend. (Em talks about the lack of baby clothes with Mama or Uncle on them.)

October: Input: Thirty-six hours of labor after rupture of membranes (birth announcement)

November: (Not so much, please note new baby)

December: Dear X, Today you turned 2 months old. (the first of my X month reviews.)

Having done this exercise, all I can do is marvel at all that can happen in a year. And I can't even begin to imagine what will happen in the next.

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