Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Difficult Day

Today was another difficult day here in the Commune. Today we tried a new theory of morning and woke him up at 10:30am, thinking that if we started the day earlier, he might nap and/or go to bed at a better hour. Instead, we got two hours of happy sunny baby who smiled and gurgled and enjoyed our Mama/Baby sing-along (our repertoire includes Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, Gonk Gonk Went the Froggy, The Birdy Song, and X's favorite, Little Bunny FooFoo) and then an entire rest of the day of sadness and crying and refusing to nap until he finally collapsed for an hour and a half at 5pm (but only if Mama held him and rocked the ENTIRE TIME) and then was upset for the rest of the evening until nursing to sleep at 10:15pm. We are going to try waking him at around 9:30am tomorrow and if we have another meltdown day, we'll have learned our lesson and discontinue any plan to change his wake-up time from whenever the heck he wants to get up, except on those days when we don't have a choice.

Does anyone who has already done this beginning of establishing a sleep/wake routine have any thoughts?


ajnabieh said...

Asleep, you say? Then what is this squirmy thing on my boobs helping me watch Mythbusters?

Anonymous said...

My first thought, and something I'm pretty sure I remember YOUR mom telling me at one point, is NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY! which, unfortunately, is impractical. I would consider putting him down earlier at night depending on how much napping he does during the day. (two REALLY LONG naps would be great, but they're not all the same) But honestly, unless you have no other choice, or really feel the need to set a schedule, I'd just let him do his thing at this point, unless it's so unbearable for you guys that he's up at 4am and doesn't go to sleep until 2 in the afternoon or something.

Anonymous said...

Just stumbled across your blog. Let me preface this by saying this worked for me, but may not work for anyone else. My Little One is 7 months old. When she was about 3 months old, I started a bedtime routine with her. She didn't go to sleep immediately afterward in the beginning, but it helped her to relax and get ready to sleep in the evenings. Now she loves her bedtime routine and is much better about going to sleep at night right away. In the beginning I would also keep the lights down or off as much as possible when she did wake up at night because she was still getting days and nights mixed up. Other than that, I let her keep her own schedule until she started on solid foods. Having set times to eat her cereal/food has really helped set her internal clock. It will get better and you will actually start to get more than what feels like 10 minutes of sleep at a time.