Monday, January 12, 2009

Breast Milk and Me

My confession for the evening:

I spend WAY too much time obsessing about whether I have enough breastmilk in the freezer for when I go back to work. I actually had to explain to Emily a few weeks ago why I was crazy about using bottles of ebm if we start them and NEVER dumping bottles if they were still good (to the point of giving him the second half of a bottle before I nurse him at a feeding if there is a bottle sitting in the fridge that would have to be tossed otherwise). I just can't stand seeing breast milk go to waste. I worry so much about X not having enough food when I'm working and coming home to him hungry and crying. Logically, I know this is not likely to happen, but emotionally, I just can't handle it. It is probably just my way of expressing my sadness about leaving him and going back to work, but it is just a bit crazy making.

Off to pump.


Lo said...

Not all that crazy, dear. Breast milk is gold. Did you read we are fambly's post about crying over spilt milk? You should.

Anonymous said...

Not to add to the crazy-making, but daycare workers are taught the 4/4/4 rule. Breast milk is good for four hours fresh (on the counter, say) four hours in the fridge, and four months in the freezer. YMMV, but that's what the state tells you.