Monday, January 19, 2009

Half Anniversary

The depressing thing about having the Death (you know, besides having the Death) is that yesterday was our half anniversary. Yes, we've always celebrated our half anniverary. There is a reason for that. We met at a high school choir picnic and started dating at nerd summer camp. The day we counted as our anniversary for almost 10 years (we got married in May 2007 and therefore the date sorta reset, although we still honor our first half anniversary) was July 18. July 18 is also Emily's birthday. Having an anniversary and a birthday is complicated, especially in the first few years when we weren't out to our parents and try explaining why you need a lot of "alone" time to your parents on your birthday. Hence, January 18 became the day we celebrated. And this is our first half anniversary since X's birth and I was horizontal on the couch or vomitting. So, that's kind of depressing.

That having been said, I love you more than I could have imagined 11.5 years ago and can't wait to begin the next 11.5. See you when we're the parents of an 11 year old! I love you, Emily, happy 11.5!

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