Saturday, January 24, 2009

Flying and Florida

I may not have mentioned this before, but I really don't like flying. I avoid it. For our honeymoon we went to Florida, and to honor my dislike of flying, we took the train from NYC to Miami. Lovely and romantic, but a little insane to take a 27 hour long train ride when the flight is 3 hours. Now, my solution used to be valium. Sleeping on Em's lap for the entire take-off and early flight (the part that makes me craziest) works well. During pregnancy that didn't work, so I suffered through.

Flying with X is an entirely different challenge, because I have to be strong for him and not freak out all that visibly. I nursed him while we waited for the plane to take-off and, get this, he slept through the entire take-off. Strike that, the entire flight. He was amazing. And I coped decently well, only holding him very tight against me and clinging to his little hand as he slept through it all. And once we were up in the air, I listened to my ipod and held him sleeping on my lap and it wasn't so bad. And I don't have to do it again until next Saturday, so that's good.

Florida is nice so far. We are staying outside Tampa with my dad and his girlfriend, which is interesting. Their house is nice, but appears to have no heat and although it is Florida, it is also January and I wish they had more blankets. We have so far had dinner, gone to the CVS for diapers and snacks (they have no food in their house, I swear, but that is a comment for another day) and watched a British mystery on the TV, with my father falling asleep 20 minutes in and snoring, which actually was kinda nice, as it reminded me so strongly of my childhood, where that happened pretty much every night.

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