Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Get to know us better

Google Analytics tells me that our blog has had 29 unique visitors. Hello visitors! Special greetings to the two of you who have commented! For all of you, the following:

Because we never really know each other as well as we think, in response to this post I'd like you to ask a question. Anything about which you are curious, anything you feel you ought to know about me. Silly, serious, personal, fannish. Ask away. Then copy this to your own journal, and see what people don't know about you.


ajnabieh said...

I want to know what you want for dinner tomorrow night. Now you ask me something.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I'm a unique visitor (never been called that before). My question for you is - do you actually live on a commune and if so, what's it like and does everyone know you're planning to try for a baby?

Kate said...

Emily- I think I want tomato soup for dinner. Thanks

Vee- You win the prize for excellent question! Emily likes your question so much that she's going to make the answer into a new post. Look for it soon.