Sunday, March 16, 2008

Willa By The Bay

Escape From New York Pizza,
at the intersection of Castro and 18th, San Francisco, CA

We decided to celebrate Willa graduating from embryo to fetus by taking her to California for the week.

OK, so it's my spring break, and it was our turn to visit some friends who live in Silicon Valley. Kate survived her first pregnant flight quite well--and without her usual Valium fix to conquer her fear of take off and landing, or even a Benedryl to put her to sleep. Turns out Continental serves palatable gluten-free meals, although their vegan meal left something to be desired (a truly uninspiring veggie burger).

Willa and her mothers are faring well in the lovely Bay Area sunshine, enjoying time with our friends, the brilliance that is the Ferry Terminal Market, and three hours of time change. I'd say blogging might be spotty...but we're staying in the most techno-dense house I've ever been in, so we're probably going to be blogging just as much, because why not?

Also I have a post mostly written about the X-Files. So that'll be coming soon.

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