Saturday, March 8, 2008

On fathers and pants

So, it's been almost two weeks since the internets have heard from us. We're fine, our lives are just crazy and getting used to this pregnancy thing is really weird. Over the last two weeks, both our fathers have been in the hospital (different ones, although they are within ten miles of each other) for various serious ailments. We went home this past weekend to be helpful and it made us so tired that I'm not entirely sure that either of us has recovered. Of course, there is the physical tired (which my newly pregnant self isn't coping with well, considering the level of exhaustion I've been experiencing to begin with) and there is the emotional tired, which is more difficult to address but after dealing with our families in crisis is always pretty damn high.

On a non-family of origin note, a few weeks ago, Emily had made a RSS feed on craigslist for maternity clothes and discovered a women from the next neighborhood over given away for free two bags of maternity clothes. At the time we laughed about taking in these clothes SO early, tempting the Gods, etc. And yet, my pants I wear to work have been getting quite snug by the end of the day, causing me to put on pajama pants the moment I get home (many thanks to my mother-in-law, who bought me two new pairs for Christmas.) In a bout of cleaning this afternoon, Emily made me take off my pants so that she could wash them. A very good thing for all involved, but it left me pantsless, which caused me to do something that I've been putting off for a while, trying on all my pants to see which ones still fit. It was kind of sad, two pairs I cannot button, three pairs are quite snug, two pairs will be good for a little while and that's all the pants I own. Laughing at my exertions, Emily suggested that I try the maternity pants in the bag we got. Figuring why not, I went to the dining room and tried them on...and they felt comfortable and fit. This has completely knocked me for a loop. I was kidding when I tried them on. I'm not quite seven weeks pregnant. I have gained 1 pound. Why do maternity jeans fit more comfortably than any other pants? This is feeding into my slight paranoia that I'm having twins. My grandfather was a twin, so I'm not completely making this fear up. My first midwife appointment is until I'm 9w3d, so I have a long two and a half weeks before I get this question answered. Oh my.


Anonymous said...

I hope your fathers' health improves. That's a scary thing, having a sick parent. I have been through it with both my parents.

That's crazy that your pants are already too small! From what I've observed from friends and the internet, people gain weight and re-shift in totally different ways and at different times. It seems like everything is happening on the early side with your pregnancy though!

ajnabieh said...

thanks for the well-wishes for our folks...things are progressing, if slowly.

re: pants: it gets worse. she's started wearing my bras. she didn't used to wear bras *at all.*

Unknown said...

Maternity exciting..and a BRA! are turning into one of those real live pregnant ladies! Congratulations!