Saturday, February 2, 2008


Waiting is really the hardest part of ttc at times. At the moment I am waiting for two things. I am waiting to pee. I have to wait until 2pm in order to get an accurate reading on my CBE OPK. This is the first stick of this cycle, this cycle being the first time that isn't practice! The excitement is mounting.

I am also waiting for FEDEX. We paid a lot of money for Saturday delivery before 12pm. And it's 1:45pm and I am sitting here waiting for my box 'o sperm, and reloading the tracking site every few minutes. According to FEDEX, my box has been in a truck in Brooklyn since 9:11am. So where the #@$% is my delivery? Not that I'm obsessing or anything.


starrhillgirl said...

Stupid, stupid, stupid FedEx. They have done shit like this to me time and again.
Glad I found y'all.

Kate said...

They really are stupid. They ended up not coming until 3:45pm. We would have been so screwed if we'd needed box o' spermies on Saturday and not Sunday.

We're glad you found us, too.