Monday, February 11, 2008

I have no brain, so Title Goes Here

It seems like forever since I last posted. It's actually been a week. I don't have any reason, except I've just been feeling really weird. As Emily note a few days ago, I've been having A LOT of phantom symptoms. The ones that seem to be staying with me are bloating, heartburn and crying jags. I'm having noticeable cramping today, although until today it had been four days or so. I'm 6 or 7 DPO depending on how one counts it, so I don't know what's up with me. Some women may cry at tissue commercials (Em is one), but I'm a bit of a stoic. I don't usually cry until pushed beyond my limits by something actually deeply sad. And here I am, feeling suddenly as if weeping is the only thing to do and then an hour later making jokes about the crazy lady who is clearly taking me over. It's just so odd.

From the beginning, Em has been against POAS before I've missed my period, but today when I was doing one of our many daily phone check-ins, she asked me when the earliest I could test was. We bought a 3-pack on CBE Digital tests from when we were ordering our next batch of OPK's, so the first day those early response tests might work is Thursday. Thursday is also Valentine's Day. We don't put much stock in the Hallmark holiday, but it kind of makes me want to go wild and use one just for fun. I guess we shall see.

My closing question: Has anyone else had this many crazy symptoms all at once? Em is starting to get concerned. I'm just bemused.


Anonymous said...

I had cramping/diarrhea/fatigue almost my whole TWW. You can see my fertility chart here.
Also... I got my positive HPT 8 dpo - and then a digital positive 9 dpo.
I'm not sure if any of this helps... but I hope this is your LUCKY cycle!!!

- Dana

Kate said...

Thanks, Dana. I looked at your chart and noticed that you added a custom box: NAP. I promptly borrowed the idea; Thanks! Since I posted I've added a new symptom, extreme fatigue. I guess we'll see on Thursday.

Lo said...

Well, it would be amazing if it worked the first time, but it wouldn't be the first time I'd heard of it. You never know!!!! (Your age is definitely in your favor. :-)