Monday, February 2, 2009

Things to say Later

Things I want to blog about when I don't need to have been in bed hours ago:

1) why nursing is making me crazy at the moment

2) how crazy my milk supply appearing to disappear due to one freaking illness is making me

3) how upset my mother made me on the phone tonight

4) how pleased I am to have completed Emily's taxes and discovered that the government owes her approximately $1,000

5) how frustrated I am at the fact that I should apparently be calling my uncle (my mother's brother, not my dad's) to apologize for the fact that HE didn't call ME back

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand completely what it's like to maintain any correspondence at all with an infant. I've gone through this twice, (and will go through it again in June) but at least in Canada we get 52 weeks of mat. leave.

My comment really is: regarding the dwindling breast milk... have you tried taking Fenugreek? It is an herbal remedy that usually helps with production, and was recommended to me by the lactation specialist from the breastfeeding clinic I practically lived in with my first child. Also (and I'm sure you already know this) make sure you are well hydrated.

Sorry if the advice is unwanted. I remember how frustrating it can be. You have a child, and suddenly everyone in the world seems to feel entitled to their moronic opinion.