Friday, April 11, 2008

Hello there, Teh Intarwebs!

Hi, everybody. My name is Willa.

This photo was taken when I was 11 weeks and 3 days old. My mama went for an Ultrascreen test at the hospital where I'm going to be born (with my mommy for moral support). From what they say, we all went into a little room, and Mama lay down on the table. The nice technician had really good aim, so that the moment she put the sonogram wand on Mama's belly I popped right into view. Mommy immediately started crying. (She's like that. Funny, she's not even pregnant.) I put on a nice show for them all, kicking my long legs, patting my face, and jumping up and down. Actually I put on such a nice show that I gave myself the hiccups.

After a little while, Mama and Mommy got annoyed, because the technician said I wasn't in the right position. I got called recalcitrant, and ordered to move in the right position. Then Mama coughed a lot, which was really annoying, and so I stayed because they were annoying. So Mama and Mommy went for a walk, and Mama even jumped up and down, which was fun. Apparently the tech liked where I was this time, so they were able to get the photo for the test.

Mama and Mommy have been running around being silly since they got the pictures. They keep calling me by my outside-world name, and crying, and emailing these pictures to my grandparents. They even have photos on their cell phones. Silly moms.

Anyway. They just wanted me to say hi. So hi!


Anonymous said...

Adorable & congratulations!
I remember seeing a baby-shape on my NT scan for the first time, how great it was!

Unknown said...

Very wonderful!
Hi Willa!

Lo said...

Our J. was so stubborn during his ultrascreen that the tech had to break out the dildo-cam (as opposed to the abdominal one, and tried so many times we were starting to get scared we'd have to come back another time.

He put on quite a show, though, flipping around and even "walking" in the uterus. Now he is a spirited, curious little guy. His personality was clear from the beginning, just like little Willa. :-)

Mary Lewis-Pierce said...
